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Z. Wang, F.D. Steffen, A. Dominguez Martin, Y. Zhong, Q. Cao, Z. Mao, R. Börner
R.K. Sigel,
"Photophysical Studyonthe Interaction between RNA G-quadruplex and Pt(II) Complexes", "19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry", None-None, 2019
J.M. Paredes Martínez, M. Romero Pérez, B. Clares Naveros, R.C. Navarrete Casas, M. Sanchez Polo
O.M. Cruz-López,
"Improvement plans devised and implemented by the quality internal guarantee committee of the degree in pharmacy of the university of granada during 2016-2019 courses", "12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation", None-None, 2019
V. Castillo Ramos, W. Han, X. Zhang
K. Lun-Yeung,
"Synthesis of IL/MOF Composite Material for VOC Capture", "The 8th International Congress on Ionic Liquids ", None-None, 2019
N. Ruiz González, A. Dominguez-Martin, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, M.E. Garcia Rubiño, R.C. Navarrete Casas, A. Castiñeiras
J.M. Gonzalez Perez,
"Flexibilidad conformacional del ligando N-(2-hidroxietil)etilendiamina (hen) en el quelato Cu(hen) como receptor de aciclovir (acv)", "XI Reunión Científica de Bioinorgánica", None-None, 2019
M.V. López Ramón, M. Ruidíaz-Martínez, M.Á. Álvarez Merino, G. Cruz-Quesada, J. Rivera Utrilla
M. Sanchez Polo,
"Hydrothermal synthesis of GO/TiO2 composites with high performance as UV photocatalysts for degradation of parabens", "5th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management ", None-None, 2019
E. Muela, A. Dominguez-Martin, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, M.E. Garcia Rubiño, A. Castiñeiras
J. Niclos Gutierrez,
"Unveiling the nature of the X-H···O6 interligand interaction in the molecular recognition between the Cu(II)-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine chelate and acyclovir", "International Symposia on Metal Complexes", None-None, 2019
M. Sanchez Polo, M. Fernández-Perales, M. Rozalen, J. Rivera Utrilla
M.V. López Ramón,
"Degradation of the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide by UV/Solar radiation assisted oxidation processes", "5th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management ", None-None, 2019
N. Ruiz González, M.I. Perez Toro, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte
A. Dominguez-Martin,
"Reconocimiento molecular entre el quelato glicilglicinato-cobre(II) y dos purina-nucleósidos sintéticos", "XI Reunión Científica de Bioinorgánica", None-None, 2019
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024